[vc_row el_id= »home »][vc_column][vc_header_three_container ratio= »3″ contactbutton= »active » sectionid= »home » slogan= »Explore the different tours offered by Hit the Road » sliderone= »Paris and its music » slidertwo= »Paris and its neighbourhoods » sliderthree= »Paris, music and more » buttononelink= »#parcours-paris » bottomidicon= »icon-chevron-thin-down » watchvideourl= »http:// » parallax_bg= »1332″ heading= »Tours and Destinations » buttononetext= »Paris Tours » buttontwotext= »Contact us » sliderfour= »Other Destinations » buttontwolink= »#contact » bottomid= »parcours-paris »][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_parallax_item ratio= »5″ heading= »Working together to create a new way of meeting the world through its music » agen_img= »1307″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link= »https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bb8FnTblrYs » el_width= »90″ align= »center »][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_parallax_item ratio= »5″ heading= »What our customers say about us » agen_img= »1307″ buttononelink= »http://www.hittheroad-events.com/parcours/#temoignages » buttononetext= »Customer reviews »][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row full_width= »stretch_row_content_no_spaces » content_placement= »middle » css= ».vc_custom_1471028834428{margin-top: 0px !important;margin-bottom: 0px !important;border-top-width: 0px !important;border-bottom-width: 0px !important;padding-top: 0px !important;padding-bottom: 0px !important;background-color: #f9f9f9 !important;} » el_id= »parcours-paris »][vc_column width= »1/2″][vc_tta_pageable no_fill_content_area= »1″ active_section= »1″ pagination_style= »flat-round » pagination_color= »peacoc » tab_position= »top » css= ».vc_custom_1478294525594{padding-right: 40px !important;padding-left: 40px !important;} » title= »Paris and its music » el_class= »parcpar »][vc_tta_section title= »Jazz » tab_id= »jazz »][vc_column_text]Paris Jazz in Saint-Germain-des-Prés

Paris is now viewed as the world’s second biggest jazz capital after New York, and has been championing this vibrant, versatile musical genre since it arrived in the 1930s. Jazz originated from African-American communities in New Orleans, and was made famous by artists including Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington. This musical genre has been constantly reinvented since its beginnings, offering subgenres such as swing, be-bop, cool jazz, and free jazz. Every side of this multi-facetted musical genre creates different nuances that cry out for freedom.

Hit the road will take you along the streets of Saint-Germain des prés to mythical places where post-war be-bop was born: The Les Deux Magots café where existentialists dreamed of alternative societies, clubs that have disappeared from rue Saint-Benoit, the « Bar Vert » on rue Jacob where Prévert and Vadim used to meet, the cellars of Tabou bar and Saint Germain club where hazy, crazy parties… Without forgetting the handful of sometimes hidden places that are still open today, where jazz enthusiasts attend concerts and enjoy the smooth notes of this music genre.

The tour takes approximately 2h.

Departure point : the 6th arrondissement of Paris

Price : 20€[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title= »World Music » tab_id= »musiques-du-monde »][vc_column_text]Paris World Music

France has welcomed many different peoples and cultures for the last 200 years, making Paris one of the world’s most cosmopolitan cities. Many leading artists of the French ballad genre such as Edith Piaf, Serge Gainsbourg and Charles Aznavour were themselves from immigrant backgrounds. World music, sometimes translated as sono mondiale, was popularised in the 1980s. It was increasingly played on Radio Nova, discussed in the newspapers Libération and Actuel, and performed in the French capital’s venues, crafting new, audacious and blended musical styles in a reflection of contemporary French society.

Focusing on genres from Columbian cumbia to Egyptian fusion, Hit the Road guides you on a multi-coloured adventure through a melting-pot of music from across the globe.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title= »French Ballads » tab_id= »chanson-francaise » el_class= »chanson »][vc_column_text]Paris French Ballads

French ballads are renowned across the world thanks to artists such as Edith Piaf and Jacques Brel, whose songs such as La vie en rose and Ne me quitte pas have been covered by a range of international artists. Needless to say, this musical genre has been around the block!

For listeners abroad, these songs conjure up scenes from 1950s Paris set to the sounds of accordion music. But while the leading names of the typical bal-musette style still enjoy a certain renown on the French and international music scenes, a new generation of singer-songwriters have started breathing new life into the somewhat old-fashioned image of French ballads. Electro, rock and world music are increasingly contributing their original sounds, and combining them with refined lyrics that express the world around us today.

Whether a visit to Gainsbourg’s home or a tour of the legendary Les Trois Baudets restaurant and music hall, Hit the Road shines a new light on French ballads both past and present.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title= »Hip Hop » tab_id= »hip-hop »][vc_column_text]Paris Hip-Hop

The hip-hop movement was born in the black ghettos of the United States in the mid-1970s, and took root thanks to worldwide hits such as Rapper’s Delight by The Sugarhill Gang, the Rock Steady Crews’ breakdancing moves and graffiti artists in New York. Driven by the influence of free radio stations such as Radio Nova, and the television programme H.I.P.H.O.P, France became the second biggest country showcasing this genre. But it was not until the late 1980s that the French hip-hop and rap scene made a name for itself, driven by groups such as Suprême NTM, Assassin and the Marseille-born rapper IAM. Over the years, the suburbs (particularly Seine-Saint-Denis) and North Paris became a hotbed for this constantly changing genre, influenced by eclectic figures including Booba, Kery James and Rocé.

From iconic graffiti in the 20th arrondissement to a live rap concert, Hit the Road invites you to explore the multiple facets of this revolutionary movement.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title= »Rock » tab_id= »rock »][vc_column_text]Paris Rock

While not as popular as in England or Germany, French rock quickly found a passionate following. The 1960s saw artists such as Eddy Mitchell and, of course, Johnny Hallyday follow in the footsteps of American stars to become idols of the younger generations. Singers including Jacques Higelin took up the torch in the 1970s with a new style of rock music, but it was not until some ten years later, with the legalisation of free radio stations, that the nascent French rock movement really began to develop.

Whether you’re looking for a local record shop or an indie music venue, Hit the Road can introduce you to the pop-rock culture that spices up Parisian nightlife.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title= »Classical Music » tab_id= »classique »][vc_column_text]Paris Classique

The City of Lights is teeming with places to delight lovers of symphonies and preludes. Whether churches, opera houses, renowned auditoriums or more intimate venues, Paris boasts a countless range of indoor and open-air hotspots hosting orchestras and smaller groups of musicians, who travel from all over the world to perform Chopin, Liszt, Bach and more.

From attending the recording of a classical music radio show to visiting the Salle Gaveau concert hall, the eclectic line-up offered by Hit the Road will be music to your ears.

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From the cabarets in former music halls to the concert halls of today, Montmartre has always been alive with music.

Hit the road will reveal the fascinating history of Montmartre as you amble along its narrow streets. After visiting the Phonomuseum, we will take you through Montmartre and introduce you to famous sites where many musicians and singer songwriters played, current music hotspots…

The tour takes approximately 2 hours.

Departure point : the 9th arrondissement of Paris

Price : 25€ (including entry to the Phonomuseum)[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title= »The Music of East Paris » tab_id= »paris-est-en-musique »][vc_column_text]The Music of East Paris

East Paris is jam-packed with contrasting musical styles and genres, and more down-to-earth venues can be found side by side with the latest trendy hotspots while strolling through the 11th and 20th arrondissements

From the Edith Piaf Museum to the Nouveau Casino music venue, and from musicians buried at the Père-Lachaise cemetery to cosy jazz at the China Club, come and discover the musical life and times of East Paris.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title= »The Music of Central Paris  » tab_id= »paris-centre-en-musique »][vc_column_text]The Music of Central Paris

The centre of Paris alone boasts the full variety of the musical world in just a handful of symbolic venues. World music at the Théâtre de la Ville, hip-hop at the new cultural centre La Place, jazz on the Rue des Lombards and contemporary music at the IRCAM music research centre are just a few examples.

Whether visiting touristic sites or enjoying a live-music aperitif, Hit the Road invites you to open your eyes and ears to a neighbourhood brimming with musical diversity.

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Paris has been a regular star of the silver screen, and there are often close ties between the worlds of film and music. With biopics, soundtracks and iconic dance scenes filmed in the French capital, the hardest thing will be to choose!

Including visits to legendary sets and a cinema-concert, Hit the Road offers an immersive experience behind the scenes of these two intertwined art worlds.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title= »Paris with the Family » tab_id= »paris-family »][vc_column_text]Paris with the Family

We all know children are as curious as their parents, and we have a great new way of spending time together. With hands-on workshops, live music for all ages and the chance to meet the artists themselves, the French capital is never short of ideas for enjoying a fun, educational moment with the whole family.

Hit the Road’s diverse musical programme includes a visit to the Maison de la Radio and a jazz-themed snack-time, offering a fun family experience while learning about music.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title= »VIP Paris  » tab_id= »paris-vip »][vc_column_text]VIP Paris

Are you just passing through the French capital, but want to discover the city and its music with a private chauffeur? Or perhaps you’re a jet-set ambiance connoisseur but have yet to discover the prestige of a true Parisian soirée?

Drawing on its extensive network of partners, Hit the Road has everything you need to experience a unique, off-the-wall side to the French capital.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][/vc_tta_pageable][/vc_column][vc_column width= »1/2″][vc_single_image image= »1179″ img_size= »full » css_animation= »right-to-left »][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row full_width= »stretch_row_content_no_spaces » css= ».vc_custom_1476846283182{margin-top: 0px !important;margin-bottom: 0px !important;border-top-width: 0px !important;border-bottom-width: 0px !important;padding-top: 0px !important;padding-bottom: 0px !important;} »][vc_column][vc_parallax_item ratio= »5″ heading= »High-quality offers tailored to your desires! » agen_img= »1307″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row full_width= »stretch_row_content_no_spaces » el_id= »temoignages »][vc_column css= ».vc_custom_1476846517153{margin-top: 0px !important;border-top-width: 0px !important;padding-top: 0px !important;} »][vc_customer_testi_container sectionid= »temoinages » heading= »Customer reviews »][vc_customer_testi_item agen_img= »1945″ review= »You think you know Paris. You think you know music. And then, on a Sunday afternoon’s walk, you discover and rediscover different places, experiences and histories. We were all wide-eyed as we explored Montmartre during its era of cabarets, absinthe and music. You nailed it, Hit the Road! Thank you!
« ][vc_customer_testi_item agen_img= »1940 » review= »An incredible afternoon that went by in a flash, in the heart of cabaret Paris!
« ][vc_customer_testi_item agen_img= »1941 » review= »Exceptional afternoon sharing and discovering Montmartre and its music. A really original way of experiencing another side to the city, rounded off with a host of curiosities at the Phonomuseum. And the tour guide was perfect!
« ][vc_customer_testi_item agen_img= »1942 » review= »A fun and fascinating route, wonderful afternoon. We’ll be back!
« ][vc_customer_testi_item agen_img= »1943 » review= »The route was fluid, relevant and interesting. A rare, invaluable concept. I would recommend it without hesitation!
« ][vc_customer_testi_item agen_img= »1944 » review= »An amazing walk, and not at all “touristy”. A different way of discovering the legendary neighbourhoods of Paris.

« ][/vc_customer_testi_container][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row full_width= »stretch_row_content_no_spaces » css= ».vc_custom_1472509280031{margin-top: 0px !important;margin-bottom: 0px !important;border-top-width: 0px !important;border-bottom-width: 0px !important;padding-top: 0px !important;padding-bottom: 0px !important;} »][vc_column][vc_parallax_item ratio= »5″ agen_img= »1307″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row full_width= »stretch_row_content_no_spaces » el_id= »formules »][vc_column][pricetable heading= » HTR Offers » slogan= »Choose the offer that suits you! » categories= »all » post_number= »2″ sectionid= »formules »][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row full_width= »stretch_row_content_no_spaces » css= ».vc_custom_1471032692846{margin-top: 0px !important;margin-bottom: 0px !important;border-top-width: 0px !important;border-bottom-width: 0px !important;padding-top: 0px !important;padding-bottom: 0px !important;} »][vc_column][vc_parallax_item ratio= »5″ heading= »Check out our gift packs! » description= »Stuck for original Christmas gift ideas? Do you know a music-buff with a birthday around the corner? You’re in luck! Hit the Road offers a vast range of exclusive tours to guarantee an unforgettable experience. Fill out your criteria using the contact form, and we will suggest two available tours at the best possible prices based on your dates.  » buttononetext= »Reserve now » notice= »Girft Pack » agen_img= »1307″ buttononelink= »http://www.hittheroad-events.com/contact » appstore_bg= »1034″ appstorelink= »http://www.hittheroad-events.com/en/tours »][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row full_width= »stretch_row_content_no_spaces » el_id= »portfolio » css= ».vc_custom_1471032707169{margin-top: 0px !important;margin-bottom: 0px !important;border-top-width: 0px !important;border-bottom-width: 0px !important;padding-top: 0px !important;padding-bottom: 0px !important;} »][vc_column][vc_port posttype= »popup » dribbble= »hidden » heading= »PHOTO GALLERY » slogan= »The HTR experience » seemore= »voir plus » add_icon= »true »][/vc_column][/vc_row]


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HIT THE ROAD EVENTS | info@hittheroad-events.com | 14 avenue Aubert - 94300 Vincennes, PARIS.

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